We've been living in Glenside for a few months and have found a few restaurants in our area that stand out from the others. One of those restaurants is Earth Bread + Brewery in the Mount Airy section on Philadelphia. Earth Bread's menu is pretty simple consisting of appetizers, salads and flatbreads, but don't let this fool you- everything on their menu is amazing! Their flatbreads are simple, but delicious and include lots of fresh local ingredients. The salads are well thought out with a … [Read more...]

Autumn Beer is here!
One of my favorite things about fall is pumpkin. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin soup, pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin! Another great pumpkin treat that I've been enjoying this year is pumpkin beer. If you love pumpkin as much as I do you should head to Triumph Brewing Company's Philadelphia location tomorrow and try their Pumpkin Ale. This is hands down the best pumpkin beer I have ever had! The smell of the beer is deliciously pumpkin and cinnamony and the taste is just as … [Read more...]

Eating out – just what are we eating?
Brad and I have always enjoyed going out to restaurants. It's always fun grabbing lunch at a great NJ diner, checking out a new restaurant, or having a few beers while watching a game. However, this is a task that has become much more difficult since our "lifestyle change" has taken place. We have significantly cut down on eating out, but we find that we miss going out and enjoying each others company (or a few friends) over a meal that we haven't "slaved over a hot stove" for. One night we … [Read more...]
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