I have recently become MILDLY addicted to Pintrest. It's a pretty cool idea and a great way to find inspiration for just about anything in your life. A number of my friends have been really into it because there are a ton a wedding-related ideas and kid-related ideas. (Apparently a majority of my friends can pretty much be be grouped into one of these two categories.) Pintrest has also become home to a number of beautiful looking recipes from blogs all over the world and I happened to come … [Read more...]

Who Doesn’t LOVE Beef Stew!
One of my favorite presents from Christmas is a cast iron dutch oven. I really like making one-pot meals likes soups and stews, but it's really annoying when you have a bunch of pots and pans to clean after making what should be a very simple meal! The dutch oven completely fixes this issue. You can cook on the stove and then move the pot right into the oven without switching to a different pot or pan. Is it just me or do you find that the older methods of cooking make way better food than all … [Read more...]

Spiced Pecan Pumpkin Quick Bread Mix
I recently took a trip to King of Prussia Mall with my mom and we were lured into William Sonoma. I usually wouldn't even go into this store because it is pretty expensive, but the scent of fresh baked goods was wafting into the mall and we couldn't resist! We learned that the store has a variety of classes such as technique classes, cooking classes and product demonstrations. (Lucky for us we walked by during the middle of a specialty bundt cake pan demonstration!) I hope to sign up for … [Read more...]
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