A recent visit to our new vet came with some disturbing news. In the last few years Lecter has gained almost 20lbs and Clarice an additional 10lbs. We knew that they had put on some extra weight and I had put them on a diet, but we had no idea that it was so drastic a weight gain. I guess it's harder to tell when you are around one another all the time, but in retrospect I think that it's true that they have not been as active in last year. They have this MASSIVE yard to play and run around in, … [Read more...]

Work it! 6+ Month Update
The new year has begun and the gym has been jam packed full of New Year resolution-ers. It's the most annoying time of the year to be at the gym. I even found this funny-but-true article talking about the biggest violators of the unspoken gym etiquette code. However, the crowd and the cold haven't deterred Brad and I from keeping up with our lifestyle change. We have been going strong and working hard (with the exclusion of a few extra sweets throughout the holiday season). All of our … [Read more...]

Eating out – just what are we eating?
Brad and I have always enjoyed going out to restaurants. It's always fun grabbing lunch at a great NJ diner, checking out a new restaurant, or having a few beers while watching a game. However, this is a task that has become much more difficult since our "lifestyle change" has taken place. We have significantly cut down on eating out, but we find that we miss going out and enjoying each others company (or a few friends) over a meal that we haven't "slaved over a hot stove" for. One night we … [Read more...]
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