We have really enjoyed decorating our new house to celebrate the Christmas season. The weekend after thanksgiving we went and found a beautiful tree and started pulling out all the decorations. We decorated the tree with our crazy mix of old and new decorations that we have obtained over the years. As always Brad's red wooden plane was the last ornament to go on the tree and placed at the very top. It's been a lot of fun buying new decorations and actually decorating our new house for the … [Read more...]

Santa’s Running Everywhere!
This year a friend from the Philadelphia WordPress meetup turned us on to the Running of the Santas that took place this past weekend. After checking out the website Brad said that we had to check this out. The Running of the Santas is an annual bar tour. Everyone dresses up as their own version of Santa and hop from bar to bar eventually ending at Finnigan's Wake where the "run" takes place promptly at 6pm. The goal is to raise money for local charities while getting a lot of santas … [Read more...]
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